Friday, April 4, 2008

Tv commerical #2

The Neosporin commercial I am writing about is definitely an affective advertisement. This new ad starts out by showing a playground and three mothers sitting on a bench. When a kid falls from the jungle gym the mothers all spin this new Neosporin as if it were a gun and they were cowboys from back in the day. Then they simply spray this medicine on the kid’s skin and he feels better. By showing a commercial like this people will most likely buy this product. The commercial is cute and is one that many would watch; being a mother, an aunt or just anyone. If someone without kids was to see this they would most likely recommend this product to another. Although this commercial is using this product to target it toward mothers, this brand is used for everyone. This commercial is showing the viewers that by using Neosporin their cuts will cure the kids immediately and the kids believe this also. A commercial like this one shows different types of this brand that can be bought for different uses and different senses. They do this because some people prefer many different things and without a few choices a customer may use a different brand that wants what they want. They do a good job with this commercial also because they don’t make the cut too gory so people may think its gross but they make it just right. Everything about this commercial is made perfectly and would definitely make people buy this product.

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