Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Radio Ad #2

I started listening to this Ron Paul Radio advertisment and thought, who would listen to a whole advertisment like this but, i guess people actually do. This guys voice sounds friendly and opening but very monotoned. There are not many pitches in his voice or different levels at all. But anyway, when he starts off he starts telling us about things that can or may be done in the future. But he says that if Ron Paul was voted for, then more things would be done. Like having better choices that would actually help the future rather than being told of what is going to be done. He says "amnesti for illegal aliens, voting for higher taxes, campaign finance reform that limits free speech for gun owners and home schoolers, more government spending, thats not leadership, conservative republicans need a choice." Then it goes on to saying what Ron Paul does that is good and reasons why you should pick Ron Paul. They even use good tactics on advertising this ad. They repeat his name over and over so the listener knows exactly who they are talking about. The ending is straight to the point. It says "Ron Paul, the conservative choice, call 877-Ron-Paul thats 877-Ron-Paul" and then Ron Paul himself says "i am Ron Paul and i approve this message." I think it is funny how at the end of each candidate advertisment they must approve what has just been said. But i dunt understand why they dont just advertise themselves. Why cant they be the ones that are speaking about what they can improve and what they do better than other? i would trust someone to make moves more if they spoke for themselves.

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