Thursday, February 14, 2008

Tv commercial blog

I chose this television commercial not just because I thought it was a good commercial but also because my boyfriends in the army, so I love watching army stuff. This commercial is directed towards guys between 18 and 25 I believe. After 25 if you’re still playing video games religiously because you don’t have a job that might be a problem but I guess this can be veered toward them too then. This ad is trying to convince boys to become men by joining the army. This will make them “army strong.”
These boys in this ad are playing a video game with army people in it, when the army guy appears on the screen and seems to be talking to them. He says “You look like you’re really into this. You guys want a real challenge…” Then the commercial goes on talking about what you do in the army and shows these boys interesting things that they do. It is a convincing video considering it talks about the benefits they get afterwards like going to college and the army helping to pay for it.
This video shows women and men in the film but if they wanted it to be great they would have put a woman playing video games too. Or maybe they could have had a woman doing something other than video games so that more women would be interesting just like the men because when you first look at the ad you think it’s towards men and only men. This ad simply says to just call and find out information about it. It was a quick commercial but gets the point across.

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