Thursday, February 14, 2008

Internet blog # 2

The Geico advertisements, in every way make me laugh. They are always enjoyable and entertaining. I chose to talk about this one because I heard one on the radio I really enjoyed so I looked up some commercials online. This ad is from the internet and is very adorable. First things first, the gecko is just very cute and makes the commercials fun. He has an awesome accent that women are attracted to, which makes it perfect. This little gecko is basically exciting for every one in a family; kids, wives and even husbands.
Now they chose a very good scenery if you ask me. The beach is a very relaxing place which makes the viewers also feel relaxed and interested. This ad comes straight out and says they help people save money which is what the world likes. Why not come out and say something to attract your listener right away? Then he goes on and talks about how he was invited to their wedding just because they saved so much money on their car. He was even asked to be the best man he says. This is showing the viewer how much people love this company and becomes part of the family.
He ends this ad by talking about friends and giving away money. Yhe point he is trying to get across with is a simple and fun ending and of course they use their slogan to finish it off, “Geico. 15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more on car insurance.” Nice clean ending and gets the point across. Who wouldn’t want that; Simple and easy.

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