Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Radio Ad #2

I started listening to this Ron Paul Radio advertisment and thought, who would listen to a whole advertisment like this but, i guess people actually do. This guys voice sounds friendly and opening but very monotoned. There are not many pitches in his voice or different levels at all. But anyway, when he starts off he starts telling us about things that can or may be done in the future. But he says that if Ron Paul was voted for, then more things would be done. Like having better choices that would actually help the future rather than being told of what is going to be done. He says "amnesti for illegal aliens, voting for higher taxes, campaign finance reform that limits free speech for gun owners and home schoolers, more government spending, thats not leadership, conservative republicans need a choice." Then it goes on to saying what Ron Paul does that is good and reasons why you should pick Ron Paul. They even use good tactics on advertising this ad. They repeat his name over and over so the listener knows exactly who they are talking about. The ending is straight to the point. It says "Ron Paul, the conservative choice, call 877-Ron-Paul thats 877-Ron-Paul" and then Ron Paul himself says "i am Ron Paul and i approve this message." I think it is funny how at the end of each candidate advertisment they must approve what has just been said. But i dunt understand why they dont just advertise themselves. Why cant they be the ones that are speaking about what they can improve and what they do better than other? i would trust someone to make moves more if they spoke for themselves.

Monday, April 14, 2008

magazine ad #2

The magazine article i picked for this blog was very unique. This ad is for a mazda 3 car. This car looks much like a sports car and made me think of something being very fast. The ad has writing on it in two places'; the main picture and below it. The main part of the ad says: Got a spare pair of undies? and the bottom of the ad simply describes the car. The ad says: This is the new RX-7 SP. There are only 25 of them. And theyre very, very fast. So when you go for your first drive in one, be sure to take every precaution.
This ad is explaining how fast the car can go by saying that you might even pee your pants when taking your first ride in it. The car in this ad is white with all different designs and stickers. On the back of the car, the lisence plate is Triple, as in triple the speed is what i thought of or even the 3 for mazda 3. The stickers on the car show that this car is sponsered by many different business' which mean it is pretty good.
The mazda 3 symbol on the bottom of the ad is self explainitory. They never really had a symbol that was questioning considering it actually says mazda 3. This ad is unique because most mazda 3 cars look alittle bit more professional than this car looks. Most people buy a mazda 3 because it is a nice looking car. The advertisers are trying to sell these mazdas to not only people who like to drive fast but also to people who like to look good. I believe this ad is very affective and made me laugh alittle. To drive so fast to make someone sprinkle themselves would have to be a pretty fast ride.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Tv commerical #2

The Neosporin commercial I am writing about is definitely an affective advertisement. This new ad starts out by showing a playground and three mothers sitting on a bench. When a kid falls from the jungle gym the mothers all spin this new Neosporin as if it were a gun and they were cowboys from back in the day. Then they simply spray this medicine on the kid’s skin and he feels better. By showing a commercial like this people will most likely buy this product. The commercial is cute and is one that many would watch; being a mother, an aunt or just anyone. If someone without kids was to see this they would most likely recommend this product to another. Although this commercial is using this product to target it toward mothers, this brand is used for everyone. This commercial is showing the viewers that by using Neosporin their cuts will cure the kids immediately and the kids believe this also. A commercial like this one shows different types of this brand that can be bought for different uses and different senses. They do this because some people prefer many different things and without a few choices a customer may use a different brand that wants what they want. They do a good job with this commercial also because they don’t make the cut too gory so people may think its gross but they make it just right. Everything about this commercial is made perfectly and would definitely make people buy this product.