Friday, March 14, 2008

Magazine ad

This magazine ad I am writing about is very interesting. Although there is not much to it, it is still very successful and makes people want to buy this mini keg. The ad is a Heineken ad for the draught keg. This draught keg ad was pictured to look much bigger than a glass of beer, although it is probably a little bit bigger than the size of a glass. In this ad they are using a women’s hand directing this ad towards women. Because there are women who drink beer they decided to come up with a mini keg that woman would be able to finish. It looks classier for women to drink this rather than out of a big keg. The woman’s whish is being used is shown as a robot hand of some sort. It seems as if they are making it to look as if the keg is so easy to use, somewhat as if we humans were robots. The slogan for this ad is Chill, Click, Draught, Drink. It’s simply the directions for this keg in a few words. At the bottom of this ad it says “Draughtkegs unique carbonation system delivers perfect draught beer with an authentic tapping experience.” This is basically telling you that this mini keg is promising you a good time eventhough it is very tiny. Then it gives you the chill time which is 10 minutes and the lasting time which is 30 days. This gives the reader a chance to see just exactly what they are getting before they buy it.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Radio Ad

This radio ad is about Obama and is anti Clinton. It starts off with saying who he is which is good but goes right into putting down hillary. This whole radio ad is about putting down Obama which I believe makes Obama look bad. Everyone has flaws and by pointing out Hilary’s just makes everyone want to know Obama’s. This ad says that Hilary Clinton will say anything to get elected and that she makes false attacks upon Obama. Im sure that everyone makes statements about eachother and its stupid to show the world one of those because Hilary could go right back on Obama and talk about all of his flaws. The commercial states that Hilary said incorrect statements about Obama such as saying he liked the ideas of republicans which he did not. He actually went against the republican ideas and how the republicans want the world to be. It then again went on with saying Hilary’s mistakes and the wrong things she is doing for the world. They made a big statement against Hilary saying that’s he voted for the war in Iraq. Yes, because of this statement Hilary will probably get many votes from those who want to be there but not many from those who didn’t. This ad was strickly a negative ad toward republicans and I believe shouldn’t have been aired. Stuff like this just causes the world to fight about stupid things and causes hatred; isn’t that what we are trying to prevent? Although I think this ad was terrible, I do believe the ending was intelligent. The way they said, turn the page. As if they were done talking about Hilary and now Obama.